Family Medicine
Men's Health
Women's Health (including implanon procedures)
Child Health
Preventative Health (including Health assessments and Heart Health Checks)
Obesity Management. diet and lifestyle advice
Mental health
Focused Psychological Strategies by GP* (requires Mental Health Treatment Plan)
Skin Cancer Check
Chronic disease management (for example: diabetes, heart disease, COPD, asthma)
Sexual health counselling and advice
Minor Surgical Procedures (including skin lesion excision)
Fees and booking policy
Flu Vaccinations cost $10.00 each.
Bulk billing is available to children under 16, Commonwealth Concession Card holders (Pensioner Concession Card, Health Care Card or Commonwealth Seniors Health Card) Department of Veteran Affairs card holders
Due to the current COVID-19 Pandemic, all telehealth appointments will be bulk billed (until 30th June 2023)
Fees are payable on the day of appointment after consultation with the doctor.
Longer consult times are available. If you have more than 1 issue, or for issues such as mental health, PAP smears, medicals, implanon procedures etc., please inform the reception when booking the appointment so we can allocate sufficient time to meet your needs.
We will prioritise urgent medical conditions and strive to see unwell children on the same day. Please advise our reception staff if you think your health issue is urgent and we will triage it accordingly. If we believe your medical condition requires urgent hospital care, we may ask you to ring 000 urgently.
Cancellation policy: If you no longer require your appointment, please cancel a minimum of 24 hours in advance. If you cancel the appointment with less than 24 hours notice, or do not turn up for an appointment, a no-show fee of $50 will be charged. No further appointments can be made until this is paid.
Transfer of medical records: Full medical records can be transferred to another clinic or health provider for an administrative fee of $20.
General Information
We can do venepuncture (taking blood for blood tests) and will send it to SA Pathology. We accept all pathology forms.
In the event of a medical emergency, please dial 000.
In the event of a mental health emergency, please ring Mental Health Triage on 131465 (24 hours).
The closest hospital to our clinic is The Queen Elizabeth Hospital located on Woodville Road.
Strict Opiioid and Benzodiazepine policy
We have a strict policy on drugs of dependences. Please view the tab on opiioids and benzo-diazepine policy for more information.
After hours care
After hours care is provided by National Home Doctor Service 137425 (13SICK).
Home visits
Home visits can be provided if deemed appropriate by the doctor, for regular patients with serious medical conditions preventing them from attending the clinic.
Privacy policy
We keep records of your personal details and medical history in the clinic. We adhere to strict guidelines for your privacy, and are happy to provide you with a copy of our privacy policy at your request. To provide quality preventative health we submit patient data to various disease specific registers (eg. cervical screening, MyHealth Record). We also submit our vaccination records to the Australian Immunisation Register. Please let us know if you wish to opt-out of these services.
Patient feedback and complaints
We are committed to providing a quality service. If you have a comment or compliment, we would like you to share it with us. We take any concerns, complaints or suggestions seriously. Please advise our reception staff if you wish to fill in our patient feedback form. It will be treated with strict confidentiality, and shared only with the clinical director and staff involved.
Recall/reminder system
As part of providing quality preventative and continuity of care, we use a computerised reminder system to deliver reminders and offer preventative health care relevant to your health needs. You may receive these reminders through mail or SMS. If you do not wish to receive reminders, please advise your doctor or our reception staff.
Test results, referrals and telephone calls
It is important that all test results are followed up in a consultation with your doctor. Test results will not be given over the phone. All repeat prescriptions, referrals and medical certificates require a consultation with your doctor to ensure appropriate treatment. Our doctors do not take calls from patients under normal circumstances. We ask where possible that you make an appointment to discuss your concerns with your doctor.
Our Focus On The Local Community
At present, our focus is on caring for the local community. As such, we will not see patients who live more than 10 kilometres away from the clinic. If you live more than 10 kilometres away from the clinic, we ask that you kindly see a doctor in your local area. If you have any queries about this policy, please do not hesitate to discuss it with our reception staff.